Toba Catastrophe Theory Debunked

Toba Catastrophe Theory Debunked

Volcanic eruptions can be disastrous to every organism living in its shadows. However, some volcanoes are so large that they are referred to as supervolcanoes. When supervolcanoes erupt, it can have world-wide catastrophic effects. In 1816, Mount Tambora erupted in...

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Yellowstone Supervolcano

Yellowstone Supervolcano

Yellowstone National Park is known for its iconic geysers and landscape. The park boasts the largest collection of hydrothermal features on Earth. However, this phenomenon is caused by a five-mile-deep caldera, or reservoir, filled with hot magma that lurks beneath...

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Polar Bears and Climate Change

Polar Bears and Climate Change

Global warming is causing an overall decrease in sea ice distribution and structure. Arctic ecosystems and populations are exhibiting large-scale fluctuations in comparison to the naturally observed climate cycles. Large alterations of habitats cause shifts in trophic...

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