WeatherEgg™ kids
Holley Humidity, Peggy Pressure, Tommy Temperature and Wesley Wind are the WeatherEgg™ Kids. With the onset of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) curriculum in education, what better way to make science fun than by introducing some animated 3D humanoid characters affectionately called the WeatherEgg™ kids.
Holley Humidity is full of rain. She loves to rain, and that is why her head is shaped like a raindrop, and she is the color of a raindrop. Peggy Pressure is a moody girl. She likes to lower the air pressure which causes storms. When she raises her amulet and calls for Air Pressure. LOOK OUT! Tommy Temperature raises and lowers temperature. He tries to do his best, and his cape helps him be a hero. Wesley Wind can be mischievous. He will blow a gentle cool breeze to cool you on a sunny day, or he will be part of a Hurricane.
The WeatherEgg™ Kids have come a long way from the original sketches.

Holley Humidity

Peggy Pressure

Tommy Temperature

Wesley Wind
The WeatherEgg™ Kids have their own coloring books to teach kids about weather.
WeatherEgg Kids: Weather from A-Z: Coloring Book
The coloring book provides a weather word for every word of the alphabet. In addition, a related illustration to color and an explanation of the word makes the learning experience fun.
WeatherEgg Kids: Palabras del clima: Libro de colorear (Spanish Edition)
Este no es un libro para colorear ordinario. El libro para colorear está destinado a enseñar a los niños sobre el clima.
WeatherEgg Kids: Les mots de la meteo: Livre de coloriage (French Edition)
Ce n’est pas un livre de coloriage ordinaire. Le livre de coloriage est destiné à enseigner aux enfants sur le temps.
WeatherEgg Kids: Wetter Worte: Malbuch (German Edition)
Dies ist kein gewöhnliches Malbuch. Das Malbuch soll Kindern das Wetter beibringen.
The WeatherEgg™ Kids have a board game. Lots of CRAZY weather happens in the WeatherEgg Kids: Whacky Weather Board Game!