If you are planning to go backpacking and are confused about what to pack, here some tips from the people at WeatherEgg to make your trip a success!

travel stamps

Source: Pxhere

Questions to ask yourself

You might be considering going away for a couple of days or weeks. But being able to pack for a week in a small might pose a challenge. If you are traveling overseas, it is important to plan properly because everything you will need for your survival will be in your backpack. The rule of thumb is always to travel light. You need to narrow your choices, know the exact destination you plan to visit and know the details of the routes you plan to use.

  • How long will the journey take?
  • How much food will you need?
  • Documents if necessary? Should linger at the back of your mind before you take flight.
  • Lastly, put the time of the year into consideration. Is it winter? Summer? Autumn or spring?

Travel Essentials

These are some travel essentials that you should put in your bag before you travel.

A Backpack

It is impossible to plan a backpacking trip without having a backpack. When shopping for a backpack, shop for one that is very comfortable to carry and designed to withstand pressure. Purchase a pack that can carry at least 40-60 liters of the load.  At WeatherEgg we like the Teton Sports Scout 3400 Internal Frame Backpack.  The backpack is available on Amazon.

Tools for navigation

compass placed on top of map

Source: Pxhere

It is important to move around with a roadmap that is waterproof, a compass for checking direction and a compass to keep check of time. Your itinerary should always be on the list. Have a close pal or family member hold a copy, should an emergency arise.

Sun Protection

Always travel with sunglasses, a mini cup of sunscreen lotion and a tube of Chapstick to moisturize lips. Pack long-sleeved clothing and a wide brim hat to prevent insect bites too.  Of all the sunscreen we have tried here at WeatherEgg we like Sun Bum Original Moisturizing Sunscreen Lotion, with a Broad Spectrum UVA/UVB Protection, and is Hypoallergenic, Paraben-Free, and Gluten Free!  Hopefully, you are not going to eat it.

Walking and Sleeping

Always pack extra clothing for insulation. These include; an extra pair of socks, a couple of pants for hiking, underwear, a tank top. Pack a sleeping bag that can be regulated to suit different temperatures. Carry a sleeping pad along to prevent cold seeping into your body from the ground.  We recommend the Hyke & Byke Down Sleeping Bag for Backpacking.  It weighs a mere 2.15 lbs (1 kg) and is warm down to a freezing 32 Degree Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius).


Pack a headlamp with at least an extra set of batteries.

First Aid Kit

Accidents are sometimes unavoidable. Always stay prepared. Pack small packets of analgesics like Ibuprofen, some rolls of sterile bandages, band-aids, a medium bottle of liquid soap, two pairs of latex gloves and chlorine dioxide tablets for water purification. It is also essential to carry about three safety pins along. Ensure that you have a pen to jot down any information that pertains to the first aid treatment. To build fires, use a lighter or matchsticks.

Food and Nutrition

Pack about 1.5 pounds (680 grams) of food per day. Carry a bag that will prevent animals like bears from carting away with your food. Also, carry a camping stove that has enough cooking fuel that will provide for your needs all through your stay. Pack a spoon with a long handle and a small pot that can serve as a boiling bowl and cup.

Most importantly!  HAVE AN AWESOME TRIP!  Go off the grid.  Don’t take phone calls.  Relax and enjoy the outdoors.  With these excellent tips, you will surely have a wonderful trip.

If you would like to learn more awesome weather information, visit our website weatheregg.com

Image Resource: Featured Image photo from Kepler Kramer, https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1327536https://pxhere.com/en/photo/694956

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